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1) What is DSL?

Digital Subscriber Line is an always-on, high-speed data communications technology that is delivered using telephone lines, not the telephone network. DSL refers to the technology used between a customer's premises and the local telephone company’s central office. It enables up to one hundred times more bandwidth over telephone lines than dial-up modems.

2) How does DSL work?

DSL maximizes the bandwidth capacity of copper phone lines currently used for traditional telephone service. By utilizing higher frequencies, DSL can achieve greater data rates on the same copper line. In order to transform a telephone line into a high-speed data line, DSL equipment must be installed on both ends of the line - at the customer premises and the local telephone central office.

3) What are the various types of DSL?

DSL is a generic term used for a family of related technologies, including RADSL, ADSL, SDSL, IDSL, and others. The leading DSL technologies being deployed today include:

RADSL- (Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line) - Most robust business DSL available today;
- Developed to overcome line impediments;
- Automatically adjusts for environmental conditions;
- Because RADSL is a type of SDSL, it supports symmetric (equal downstream and upstream) data transmissions up to 768K.

ADSL - Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line - ADSL supports a range of asymmetric (higher downstream than upstream) data speeds that can reach up to 7 mbps downstream and 1.5 mbps upstream. ADSL can deliver simultaneous high-speed data and telephone service over the same line.

SDSL - Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line - SDSL supports symmetric (equal downstream and upstream) data transmissions up to 1.54 mbps.

IDSL - ISDN based DSL technology, runs at a maximum speed of 144 kilobits/sec.  IDSL is able to reach greater distances than other types of DSL thus allowing speeds greater than dial-up for locations that do not qualify for other DSL flavors.

4) Who will bill me for my DSL service?

The billing and customer service are handled entirely by the carrier selected. 

5) Do I need an extra phone line for DSL?

Generally no. Depending on the carrier, DSL may be added to your phone line or the carrier may  provide a "local loop" or "circuit" through the local phone company from your property back to their "central office" where their DSL equipment is located.

If you choose a carrier that adds DSL to your line, some line types, such as Centrex, will not work with DSL.  If an appropriate line is not available, you will need to add one.

6) How many users can I have on my DSL?

Multiple users can share a single DSL circuit on your network. Since the service is then "shared", you may wish to purchase a higher speed to allow higher speed access around your network.  TelcoQuote can assist with your network questions as well!

7) What type of IP address will I receive with Business DSL?

Many DSL providers include a dynamic IP address on their basic DSL service.  Dynamic means that an IP address is "dynamically assigned" each time your circuit comes on-line.  Since the IP address changes, you do not want to use this option if you will be hosting a website.

Should your business require static IP addresses, they are generally easy to order for you.  Some carriers charge an additional one-time fee, others charge a higher monthly fee.  TelcoQuote can you with these options, just ask!

8) What tech support is available after installation?

Most carriers represented by TelcoQuote provide 24/7 technical support.

9) When I place my order, am I guaranteed the service and the speed that I requested?

We pre-quality your address for DSL.  It is highly likely that you will be able to receive the service. Unfortunately, there are obstacles to installing DSL at your location that cannot be known at the time of ordering. Should your location be out side of the service area or your requested speed unavailable, we will contact you as soon as we are aware of the issue.

10) Who will install my DSL service?

Many of the providers we represent send a technician to complete your DSL installation.  In some cases, the phone company or DSL providers technician will complete the inside wiring, set up the DSL router and test the service on one computer. (Inside wiring is the term used for the process of taking the line from the location where the telephone company left the line, to a jack on your wall where your DSL equipment will be located.)  If you have selected a self-install option, you will complete your installation with telephone support if required.

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